Wednesday 7 March 2018

How to Do Database Connection in Selenium C#

Selenium is compatible with many languages like Java, C#, Python, Perl etc. Connect with database and execute query on database is very common thing in testing. 

Basic steps for connect with database and execute query is common for all languages.

  • Connect with database
  • execute query
  • return query result

Syntax is only difference in different languages. If you are using C# in selenium then please go for below code for database connection and execute query.

I have created one function for database connection and execute query on database. It will return query result into DataTable object.

        public DataTable GetQueryResult(String vConnectionString, String vQuery)
            SqlConnection Connection;  // It is for SQL connection
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();  // it is for store query result
                Connection = new SqlConnection(vConnectionString);  // Declare SQL connection with connection string 
                Connection.Open();  // Connect to Database
                Console.WriteLine("Connection with database is done.");
                SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(vQuery, Connection);  // Execute query on database 

                adp.Fill(ds);  // Store query result into DataSet object   

                Connection.Close();  // Close connection 
                Connection.Dispose();   // Dispose connection             
            catch (Exception E)
                Console.WriteLine("Error in getting result of query.");
                return new DataTable();
            return ds.Tables[0];

Code Explanation:

Connection = new SqlConnection(vConnectionString);

It is for connect to database as per you connection string.

Connection string format:

ConnectionString = @"Data Source="Data Source"; Initial Catalog="Database name"; User ID="Username"; Password="Password";

SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(vQuery, Connection);

SqlDataAdapter is used for execute query.
Fill command is used for fill query result into DataSet object.


It is for Close and dispose database connection.

In above code, you can see I have return below value.
return ds.Tables[0];

It is because, query will give only one table. if your query will return more than
one table then your return type should be DataSet instead of DataTable.
return ds;

Please add comment if you have any question.


  1. How would you change the this database class to accept parameters for sql scripts? say you have a series of customers you'd like to lookup and have their emails in a list, then loop through the list, passing in the email as a parameter for the lookup sql script?

    1. You can change that class with parameters or you can also override that method with different parameters which you want.

  2. Great.
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  3. Hi Sameer,
    Can you please help me inimplementing this connection in my selenium code. I mean how should I create the dataTable and use within the selenium code to read the table

